Let’s coach high-potential employees for success. Coaching Perspectives, 20, 22-44 Santora, J.C., Bozer, G., & Posthumus, J. (2019)
Le chiavi per svelare la Mistica della Leadership [Keys to unlock the leadership mystique]. Harvard Business Review Italia, September 12 Santora, J. C., & Bozer, G. (2016)
Executive succession: How do you want to be remembered? Chief Executive, June 24 Santora, J. C., & Bozer, G. (2016)
Coaching for effective executive transition. Coaching Perspectives, 10, 1-2 Santora, J. C., & Bozer, G. (2016)
Moving up: Can seconds-in-command make the transition from manager to leader? NonProfit World, 34(3), 20-21 Santora, J. C., & Bozer, G. (2016)
Coaching news from Estonia’s nonprofit sector: Some preliminary findings from the field. Coaching Perspectives, 14, 43-44 Santora, J. C., & Bozer, G., Kooskora, M. (2017)
Avoid the selfish factor: Plan for succession with four simple rules. NonProfit World, 36(2), 30-31 Santora, J. C., & Bozer, G. (2018)